Spotify are now allowed to display pricing in Apple’s app store thanks to EU guidelines

Spotify and Apple have had a rocky relationship for quite some time. However, things seem a little brighter now Spotify have been given permission to display their subscription prices within the app store.

Spotify are now allowed to display pricing in Apple's app store thanks to EU guidelines. Blue background, with two cockrells. One with a Spotify logo and one with an Apple logo. They are fighting.

It’s no secret Spotify and Apple don’t have the best relationship. Many of Apple’s decisions aren’t received well by both Spotify and many other companies. The tech giants have been known to add rules unfairly which see developers, businesses and users out of pocket.

In a recent turn of events, Spotify have announced they are now able to display their pricing information on the iOS app. This applies to the EU only at the moment, and is down to new guidelines set by the EU rather than Apple themselves.

Spotify have decided not to opt in to Apple’s new business rules, which were released under the EU Digital Markets Act. However, this hasn’t stopped them because they have found with the EU’s new rules for streaming apps, Apple are required to allow prices to be displayed.

Credit: Apple

Back in March, Apple were fined by the European regulators. This fine sat at €1.84 billion and was given to Apple due to them breaking antitrust rules. Of course, Spotify were in favour of this fine because Spotify have long had their own issues with Apple.

However, it’s not like the streaming store can avoid Apple. A large portion of their streamers have iOS devices, so they need the company. Spotify have announced their app updates have been approved finally, so information such as subscription pricing will be displayed.

Despite this breakthrough, Spotify won’t be able to link to their website directly. If they chose to, they would need to pay Apple 27% which would be commission from each sale. Of course, Spotify has no intention of doing this, so their website will not be included as information.

Spotify can’t even mention their website without hyperlinking it. Even writing without it directing to a link goes against Apple’s terms, and Spotify would be charged for this. It’s understandable why the streaming store don’t want to part with such funds. sign up for free GIF
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