What is PUSH.fm? Social marketing tools for independent music makers & content creators

PUSH is an energetic marketing platform made for artists, labels and content creators. It’s filled with powerful tools that can help you open new doors and possibilities for yourself and your fans.

โœจ PUSH.fm is an all-in-one social marketing platform that gives you powerful tools to promote your content to your fans, and grow your social following. PUSH helps you take a step up in marketing your content; creating campaigns to reach new audiences, boosting engagement and increasing fans!

Aditionally, PUSH.fm gives you real time analytics and insights. See who is connecting with your content, and how your fans are interacting with it. Finally, we know how annoying it is get bogged down with unnecessary visual garbage; PUSH hosts a clean, tidy interface so you can easily and quickly navigate your way through the platform.

There are three tools currently on offer, with more on their way:

๐Ÿ”— Fan Linksa sharable landing page containing all your important links in one place, saving your fans valuable time and clicks. You can choose whatever links you want to include and can easily customise this smart link to suit your needs. 

๐Ÿ’ Pre-savesessentially a digital version of a pre-order. Pre-save campaigns allow your fans to pre-save your new release to their libraries ahead of release day. This drives streams, boosts engagement and increases your chances of appearing on storesโ€™ playlists.

๐Ÿ”‘ Content Unlocksa hugely versatile tool allowing you to reward fans with exclusive content in exchange for social actions; for example likes, shares or subscribes.

๐Ÿ Competitions – allowing all creatives and brands to create their own online competitions. Promote the link, get people entering and then select your winner. A fantastic way of growing your audience and gaining attention to your work.

All these tools are available to everyone for free! Youโ€™ll have access to unlimited campaigns with 1GB storage. Our all-inclusive premium plan at $5 gives you access to unlimited numbers of these tools also and up to 50GB of storage. You’ll also have Competitions, and Facebook Pixel if you choose to upgrade.

Pricing tiers

โ–ถ Head over to PUSH.fm, sign up for free and start pushing your content to the people that matter; your fans.

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