What to do if you believe your Facebook has been hacked

Sometimes, our accounts can get into the wrong hands. Unfortunately, it’s often through no fault of our own. However, the good news is, you can recover it. There are a few ways to spot a potential hacking.

People will hack accounts for all sorts of reasons, but your job is to keep your information as safe as possible. We have a guide on password protection and two-factor authentication (2FA). Unfortunately, even when your account is pretty secure, people will still try.

Normally, they won’t be successful. Especially if your information is secure. However, from time to time, they might get through certain barriers. If this is the case, it doesn’t mean they will be able to access your account. You might just need to update security.

Sometimes you can tell your account has been compromised because certain information will have been altered. Check details like your date of birth, your email and even your password. Of course, in any case of compromised details, your password should be changed.

Usually, hackers will want to use your account for spam or fraud. They often post statuses and pretend to have access to things they simply don’t. They will try and impersonate you by posting things to your feed that could bring attention from your Facebook friends.

Things such as; fake giveaways, or posting about items for sale that are all a scam. You don’t want your account to fall victim to this, so be vigilant. If you are seeing a lot of friend requests for people you don’t know, this is a clear sign something is wrong.

You likely will still have access to your account, unless they change your details. Normally, the hackers want it to look like a normal account so they will run things alongside your use. If your email address has been altered, you can reverse this. Make sure your details are correct.

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