What you need to know about AI on Instagram

As I’m sure you’re aware, AI is everywhere. It’s taken over and changed the way we process information, think, and act, essentially. Almost as if we’re brainwashed. However, from a business view, it’s great and that’s likely why Instagram have got involved.

With AI being everywhere, it would be surprising if social media platforms hadn’t jumped on board. People are turning to AI for help with everything. From writing articles, to creating video content for them. There really are no limits.

Some worry about the use of AI. Believing too much of it isn’t a good thing, and that it’s making individuals lazy and uninspired because they’re relying on a robot to do all the work for them. But, what about Instagram’s AI options?

Instagram’s AI service isn’t one that allows you to create content. Instead, it answers any questions you may have. Offering a chat service that will give you responses based on the types of questions you ask. It’s an incredibly helpful tool for those who use it.

You can start conversations with the AI, and interact with AI character profiles along the way. However, AI for Instagram is currently only available to a select few accounts. Not everyone can see it yet. It’s being tested currently, and might eventually be rolled out.

When fully launched, we’re sure it will be a popular tool with many creators. It depends on how Instagram intend to use it. If it’s going to be a tool helping people find information they’d otherwise need to search Instagram’s Help Center for, then it could be really beneficial.

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