Tag youtube music

Search YouTube Music by humming the track

Search YouTube Music by humming the track

If you’re an Android user, you’ll now be able to find that song you’ve been looking for on YouTube Music. However, you won’t need to know the lyrics. Instead, you can simply hum the tune. YouTube Music are rolling out…

Gemini the AI tool plans to add YouTube Music shortcuts

Gemini the AI tool plans to add YouTube Music shortcuts

Gemini is an AI tool developed by Google. The idea behind it is to increase productivity across Google services. Now, they’re working on YouTube Music extensions and some useful shortcuts. Gemini is an artificial intelligence (AI) developed by Google that…

YouTube Shorts introduce AI-generated celebrity voice clones

YouTube Shorts introduce AI-generated celebrity voice clones

Despite controversy following AI cloning actors, and musicians, YouTube Shorts have now uploaded celebrity clones generated through the use of AI. Could this cause another Hollywood strike? Google have now announced their new AI model. They’re calling it the “most…

YouTube Premium has secret price increase

Without warning, it seems, YouTube Premium have increased their monthly subscription cost to $14. This is a $2 increase with no public announcement. Their music platform has also seen a price hike. Without warning, it seems, Google have increased their…

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