Tag small creator

Why big brands steal small creators’ designs

Why big brands steal small creators' designs

Time and time again you see stories of large brands stealing the ideas from small content creators. Whether it’s their designs or their business model. It happens too often. But, how do they get away with it? In the age…

Understanding public liability insurance for freelancers

Public liability insurance is an important thing for any freelancer to be aware about. Without it, if something goes wrong, you could be held responsible. If you’re a freelancer, you’re probably used to wearing many hats – from doing the…

Understanding AI deepfakes – what you need to know

Understanding AI deepfakes - what you need to know

In today’s digital age, technology has made it possible to create videos and images that look incredibly real but are actually fake. One such technology, known as AI deepfakes, has gained attention in recent years. But what exactly is an…

The power of feedback for small businesses

The power of feedback for small businesses

Many find themselves intimidated by feedback. But, while it can be brutal and awakening, it’s typically full of value and lessons to be learned. Not all feedback is negative. It’s simply the way you choose to take it. In the…

Beginners guide to creating a GIF

GIFs are all over the internet. People use them as a fun way to interact with friends, to get their point across or just to share an engaging response. You can easily create your own, but many people don’t know…

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