Tag pinterest

Lemon8 the TikTok savvy social media platform

Lemon8 looks like a hybrid between Instagram and Pinterest. It’s a social media platform where users can upload photos with captions but not text-based posts. Designed with creatives in mind. Lemon8 was designed with creatives in mind. Just like Threads…

Social media platforms you CAN’T ignore

Don’t sleep on these platforms. You’ll regret it. Often people try to spread themselves too thin. They go for every social platform they can. But, that usually means they can’t focus enough on any of them as they have too…

Shuffles – a collage and moodboard making app by Pinterest

Shuffles – Pinterest’s new app Pinterest have launched a brand-new app called Shuffles. The platform has always been known for sparking inspiration within its users. People use it as a place to store ideas of their interests across many categories.…

Pixelhunter – resize your images for social media platforms

It’s one of the best kept secrets. A completely free editing website that resizes your images for various social media platforms. Rather than having to resize yourself and guessing the measurements, simply click your chosen platform and Pixelhunter will do…

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