Tag photography equipment

DSLR vs. mirrorless cameras -understanding the differences

DSLR vs. mirrorless cameras -understanding the differences

When it comes to high-tech cameras, many professionals have the dilemma – do they choose mirrorless or DSLR? There’s a key difference – the mirror, of course. When choosing a camera, photographers often find themselves deciding between a DSLR (Digital…

How to easily choose photo editing software

How to easily choose photo editing software

There are so many photo editing software programs to choose from, how do you know which is the best? They all have such good qualities, and one that is loved by some, isn’t favoured by others. So, how do you…

Has photography become too easy?

Has photography become too easy

With the growth of the digital age, film photography has almost died out. While you’ll see some dabble with it, not many do, simply because it’s time-consuming and expensive. But, have digital cameras therefore made photographers lazy? Like all technology,…

Photography terminology for beginners

Photography terminology for beginners

Aperture, depth of field, composition – what does it all mean? When it comes to photography, many beginners are put off by the complex terminology. But, we’re here to break down that barrier and explain the various terms. A beginner…

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