Tag photo editing

Instagram users aren’t happy with the latest updates

Instagram have recently made more updates to the media sharing app. Unfortunately, this hasn’t impressed its users. Many are requesting the platform bring back the old feed. However, this seems unlikely. Is it simply a case of people needing to…

Hit or miss – photo editing apps reviewed by PUSH

With the thousands of photo editing apps on the market, how do you pick? Sure, you can go off reviews, but scrolling down the app store, we quickly realised just how many have high reviews. So, where do you start?…

Afterlight – a photo editing app for IOS

With a 4.7 out of 5-star review, it’s a pretty popular app. You can add filters, textures and borders to your images. Making it really easy to change up any photo you’ve snapped while on your phone. Why not give…

5 free websites to easily create a SoundCloud banner

Your SoundCloud banner needs to be eye catching. It’s a statement and one of the first things people will see when visiting your page. Ensure it fits with your brand identity. There are many websites which allow you to create…

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