Tag internet

What are ad blockers and how do they work?

What are ad blockers and how do they work

Ad blockers simply stop all the annoying pop-ups that appear on your screen. However, sometimes, they can be the reason certain websites don’t work as intended. In today’s digital age, where we spend a significant amount of time browsing the…

WordPress sell 100-year long website domains

WordPress may have only been around for 20 years, but they have access to domains that will possibly outlive the company. They’re now selling website domains with 100 year long registrations. WordPress are an online company allowing people to host…

Cyber security – how to stay safe online

The online world has opened up so many opportunities, however, it isn’t always a safe place. Trusting the wrong website, or like in the real world, the wrong people could land you in a lot of trouble. Know how to…

Why the metaverse is so valuable for creators

We’ve all heard the metaverse is expanding. Eventually we’ll all be on there, diving in and out of the normal world and essentially the fictional world. It will be a confusing day when the lines become blurred, and we are…

PUSH 101: Why you need a mobile friendly website

It’s 2022, everyone uses their phones for everything. In fact, more and more people don’t have access to a computer or laptop. They solely rely on their mobile phones. Having a website that is optimised for mobile users is key.…

Online bots – are they all bad?

When you hear the word bot you typically fear the worst. It’s likely you imagine them to be hackers or fraudsters, right? However, it isn’t always the case that online bots are bad. Sometimes, they can actually serve a purpose.…

A quick guide to the Metaverse for beginners

The word Metaverse if flying around a lot lately. With Facebook changing their name to Meta, more and more companies will be heading into the world of the Metaverse. What does that mean though? Is it a physical place? How…

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