Tag content creators

10 easy and engaging content ideas for Instagram

10 easy and engaging content ideas for Instagram

Looking for new ideas when you feel you’ve exhausted every avenue is hard. It can feel overwhelming to find something different to what’s already been done. In the bustling world of social media, Instagram stands out as a vibrant hub…

As a content creator, is the use of AI cheating?

As a content creator, is the use of AI cheating

A debate which will probably be discussed as long as AI is fresh and current. Since many have turned to AI to help with their creations, others have began arguing it isn’t their own work and is therefore cheating. In…

Navigating the challenges of Instagram’s explore page

Navigating the challenges of Instagram's explore page

Instagram’s Explore page can be a difficult one to master. It isn’t straight forward to crack, but, having your content featured on there can mean you reach a whole new audience. In the vast universe of Instagram, the Explore page…

Why fake followers and bots are damaging on Instagram

Why fake followers and bots are damaging on Instagram

All followers are good followers, right? Unfortunately not. Actually, having a lot of followers who aren’t genuine can do more harm than good, because they won’t engage with your content. In the bustling world of social media, building a following…

Clickbait – what it is and how to spot it

Clickbait - what it is and how to spot it

If something seems too good to be true, often it is. Many creators use clickbait, especially when their art form is video content. It helps the video sell. In today’s digital age, you’ve probably come across sensational headlines or eye-catching…

A guide to making eye-catching visuals for your music

A guide to making eye-catching visuals for your music

Knowing where to begin when it comes to creating eye-catching content can be a bit tricky. You’ve got the great sounds, but how do you encourage people to start listening? Through your visual imagery, of course. In today’s digital age,…

What is the role of a food stylist within photography?

What is the role of a food stylist within photography

Those fast food adverts you see? Yep, they’re not real. That’s why the burgers always look so much better in the ad than real life. The photographers use food stylists to help stage the picture. Have you ever flipped through…

Learn a new skill through Spotify’s new UK video-based courses

Learn a new skill through Spotify's new UK video-based courses

Spotify are introducing training courses for UK users. These will be in the form of videos. The company have partnered with multiple well-known educational companies to pull this off. Spotify has announced they’re introducing video courses on their platform. These…

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