SoundCloud are trialling a TikTok style discovery feed

Many streaming platforms and services are following the same idea, which is to copy TikTok’s format. It has worked for the video platform, they’ve seen growth after growth. Now, it seems music streaming platforms are trying to jump on board. SoundCloud…

Japan’s music streaming revenue grew in 2022 by 25%

In 2022 Japan’s music scene saw a growth of 25%. It ended up at $674m. Many say Japan are behind with music streaming, but perhaps they’re making a name for themselves. Japan have been playing catch up for a little while.…

Monthly social media reports – why they’re necessary

Are you a content creator, or do you work within marketing? Perhaps you’re running your own business, so you’re involved in all areas of the company. Either way, you rely on social media. However, if you’re not writing a report, how…

Do businesses need to create newsletters?

Many companies rely on newsletters for engagement. They’re a fantastic way of spreading messages and promoting new services. However, are they needed? If so, how often should you send them? Many businesses use newsletters as a way of keeping in touch…

TikTok communities – what are they, and how do you join?

Have you heard about TikTok communities? They’re groups of like-minded people who all have interests in the same niche. How do you find your community though, and how do you request to join? Across TikTok there are all sorts of communities.…

Does your business need a mobile friendly app?

More and more companies are moving towards building mobile apps, but are they needed? It largely depends on the size of your business and what you offer. However, we’re going to look into it. Do you need a mobile app to…

Top 5 Podcast microphones in 2023

Wanting to start a Podcast? Or, perhaps you’re wanting to upgrade your current Podcast. Your microphone is possibly the most important tool you could have, so it’s worth investing in a good one. We’ve got the details on the top 5…

Top platforms independent musicians can’t ignore

Are you an independent musician? If so, you probably know how frustrating it can be. Various company’s recommending them over competitors, who do you choose? Do you cover all music platforms? Starting out alone as can be intimidating, but it doesn’t…

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