3 essential tips for beginner photographers

3 essential tips for beginner photographers

Whether you want to be a professional photographer or just want to take some photos as a little hobby, you’ll want to get the hang of your camera quite quickly. The sooner you master your camera, the sooner you can create…

Italy investigates Google over user consent practices

Italy investigates Google over user consent practices

Google is in the firing line after it’s come to light that they haven’t been completely transparent with how they’re using user data. Italy’s competition and consumer watchdog has launched an investigation into Google’s methods for obtaining user consent to link…

Why big brands steal small creators' designs

Why big brands steal small creators’ designs

Time and time again you see stories of large brands stealing the ideas from small content creators. Whether it’s their designs or their business model. It happens too often. But, how do they get away with it? In the age of…

Effective ways to ask for help as a creator

Effective ways to ask for help as a creator

You’re always going to need help as a creator. It doesn’t matter how much you’ve grown, and how big you are as a creator. You’ll need some support at some stage. It’s ok to ask for a helping hand. Being a…

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