Category Tips

A collection of tips, tricks and hacks that can boost your marketing game and push your creations further.

5 ways independent musicians are wasting their time

As an independent artist, time is money. You’ve got so much to pile onto your plate, it’s important you don’t waste time on things that don’t really need it. Focus on the things that are necessities. Everything else can wait.…

PUSH 101: What should a brand name include?

When it comes to creating your brand name, it can be tricky knowing where to start. It’s not something you want to have to change at a later point, so it’s important you get it right from the beginning. Too…

How to boost your TikTok following with sponsorships

TikTok is arguably one of the best apps to be discovered on right now. This is because people share TikTok videos without a second thought. Meaning, if someone likes your video, it could end up being passed far and wide.…

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