Category TikTok

How many TikTok accounts can you have on one device?

You can hold up to three TikTok accounts on one device. If you require more than that you would need a second phone, or tablet to run extra accounts from. However, you cannot use the same data across accounts. TikTok…

AI version of Drake copyright battle with the real star

Recently on TikTok various versions of well known songs have been going viral, but the singers aren’t the ones holding the mic. Instead, it’s other famous artists singing through the power of AI. All samples are computer generated to sound…

Free marketing tools to boost your online presence

Boost your brand, business or yourself as an individual with these free marketing tools. Selling your content and promoting yourself doesn’t have to be expensive. offer tools for free! Marketing can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be.…

SoundCloud are trialling a TikTok style discovery feed

Many streaming platforms and services are following the same idea, which is to copy TikTok’s format. It has worked for the video platform, they’ve seen growth after growth. Now, it seems music streaming platforms are trying to jump on board.…

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