Category Resources

Valuable resources you can use to market your music and content.

Beginners guide to creating a GIF

GIFs are all over the internet. People use them as a fun way to interact with friends, to get their point across or just to share an engaging response. You can easily create your own, but many people don’t know…

Threads app adds repost feature along with further updates

Adam Mosseri, Instagram CEO has said for a long time that user feedback is always considered. It seems he might be right with the new Threads platform adding a reposting option. What’s next though? Threads promised they’d update their app…

How to save a music track before its release day

Your favourite artist is releasing a new track, and you want to be one of the first to hear it? Well, lucky for you, you’re able to save it ahead of time, providing they have created a Pre-save. When your…

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