Category Resources

Valuable resources you can use to market your music and content.

Search YouTube Music by humming the track

Search YouTube Music by humming the track

If you’re an Android user, you’ll now be able to find that song you’ve been looking for on YouTube Music. However, you won’t need to know the lyrics. Instead, you can simply hum the tune. YouTube Music are rolling out…

Create YouTube Shorts easily with ssemble Shorts Maker

Create YouTube Shorts easily with ssemble Shorts Maker

If you’re looking to create shortened videos that are clipped from your long-form content, then ssemble could be the platform for you. The best part is, you can create Shorts easily, and for free! A win-win. Often, it can be…

Should you use Grammarly? A comprehensive guide

Should you use Grammarly A comprehensive guide

Grammarly is an online tool that allows people to write with confidence. Knowing their work will be spell checked and reworded where needed. Taking the pressure off and acting as a proofreader. In today’s fast-paced digital world, effective communication is…

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