
Articles that span the breadth of what we offer at and just how to use all of our tools to the best of your capabilities and applications.

Understanding colour profiles: RGB, CMYK, and more

Understanding colour profiles RGB, CMYK, and more

Colour profiles are something all content creators and brands should understand. Certain ones are best for certain image types. Colour profiles are essential when working with images, videos, or print projects because they define how colours are displayed or printed.…

How to get a free Pre-save link

How to get a free Pre-save link

A Pre-save link allows your fans to save your music before release day. While they can’t stream it until it hits stores, they can ensure it will be placed in their library on the day it does. So, you’re probably…

Quick and easy fanlink creator which won’t charge

Quick and easy fanlink creator which won't charge

If you’re a music artist set to release a new track, you’ll need to start marketing it early. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on the initial hype and all marketing from there will be pointless. All music artists want to share…

BELIEVER an EP by Nigerian music artist Soundboi BME

BELIEVER an EP by Nigerian music artist Soundboi BME

A track proving to be extremely popular in the world of music over the past month is one by artist Soundboi BME called BELIEVER. His Fan Link has all the streaming info you need. As you can see above,…

How to set up an Etsy account

How to set up an Etsy account

If you’re looking to sell physical products, you might want to consider starting an Etsy account. These are easy to set up. The hardest part is finding a unique name, as all the fun ones seem to be taken. Setting…

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