Category People

Case studies and commentaries of independent musicians, content creators and brands that use PUSH to fulfil their DIY marketing needs.

Fan Linking 101: How to make money with Fan Links

Beginner artist? Worried about how you’re going to make your big break? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Our FREE marketing tools, will allow you to make money. Create yourself a Fan Link and start earning! Fan Links earn artists…

The rise in popularity of social commerce

Social commerce is the process of selling products through social platforms. The purchases come directly from social media, rather than a consumer being directed elsewhere. This has risen in popularity in the past year, and it seems it will continue…

Studies show YouTube’s dislike buttons don’t benefit viewers

Despite believing disliking a video or flagging it as not interested will help make your viewer experience better. Studies show this isn’t the case. Instead, YouTube’s algorithm isn’t listening to what viewers don’t want to see. YouTube’s dislike and not…

Why have concert ticket prices risen so drastically?

Tickets to watch your favourite artists perform live have become more expensive than ever. But, why have the prices hiked up so much? Is it because of COVID? Or, is there only so long we can continue to blame the…

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