Category How to

Tutorials and step-by-steps that show you how to build, use and navigate products and other marketing tools.

How to make a Fan Link for free

How to make a Fan Link for free

A Fan Link is a marketing tool designed to store all of your streaming store links in one place. They allow music artists the freedom to promote their music without having to share each link individually. A Fan Link is…

How to get your music played on the radio

How to get your music played on the radio

Every day, millions of radio listeners find new favourite songs thanks to the radio. That’s why as a music artist, it’s important you try and get your music featured on air. Getting your music played on the radio can be…

Steps to trademark your business name

Steps to trademark your business name

If you’ve spent time finding the perfect business name, you want it to be yours and not to be shared by others, right? Well, the best way to do this and protect your name is by trade marking it. 1.…

How to find the perfect name for your business

How to find the perfect name for your business

Choosing the right business name is huge. It’s not something that can be changed often. Once people know it, the name will stick. So, make sure you get it right from the start. Choosing the right name for your business…

How to find clients as a creative brand

How to find clients as a creative brand

As a small brand or business, it can be really hard going up against competition and finding your own audience. However, there are tried and tested ways to achieve this. You just need to give it your all. Finding clients…

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