Category How to

Tutorials and step-by-steps that show you how to build, use and navigate products and other marketing tools.

How to find a blogging niche

How to find a blogging niche

If you want to start a blog, you’ll need to find an audience or niche before getting started. This will be your focus when you come to writing articles. You’ll consider your themes at every step, and your writing will…

Where to find creative jobs

Where to find creative jobs

Finding creative jobs is a little more difficult than finding a normal 9-5 because often they’re posted on different platforms or services. They’re shared to the type of audience that will best represent what the company is looking for. If…

How to choose a cricut niche – a beginner’s guide

How to choose a cricut niche - a beginner's guide

Having a Cricut machine opens a world of possibilities. You can make anything from stickers, to vinyl signs. However, where do you begin? If you’re passionate about crafting and own a Cricut machine, you might be considering turning your hobby…

Tips for planning memorable events – a simple guide

Tips for planning memorable events - a simple guide

Planning an event is hard work, but it is so rewarding once it all comes together. However, how do you begin to pull off something so huge? Planning an event can seem overwhelming, but with the right approach, you can…

Adapting to change – strategies for navigating uncertain times

Adapting to change - strategies for navigating uncertain times

Change will always occur. Nothing stays the same forever. It’s important you’re willing to adapt to change and avoid being thrown off by the uncertainty. Change is a constant in the business world, and navigating uncertain times requires resilience, flexibility,…

Building your brand identity – tips for beginners

Building your brand identity - tips for beginners

Don’t allow your brand to flop from the very beginning. Build an identity that is strong from the start and continue to develop it. Your brand identity is the foundation of your business—it’s what sets you apart from the competition…

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