Category Discussions

A source of dialogues discussing various topics, arguments and opinions in the worlds of marketing and content creation.

Tips and tricks – preparing for an audition

Preparing for an audition is a hard task. You need to feel the character, essentially, be the character. Give yourself plenty of time to understand how they work and follow our tips. The thrill and anticipation of an upcoming audition…

Marketing terms – breaking down the marketing code

Marketing terms - breaking down the marketing code

Whether you’re a marketing enthusiast, business owner, or someone looking to enhance their online presence, understanding key marketing terms is essential. Keep reading to find out some insightful terminology. 1. Target Audience The specific group of individuals or customers that…

A beginner’s guide to music terminology

You might love to sing, or play an instrument, but that doesn’t mean you’re necessarily clued-up on music terms. They can be hard to get your head around, which is why we’ve created a beginner’s guide. Embarking on a musical…

How to find your perfect hobby – tips and tricks

How to find your perfect hobby - tips and tricks

With 2024 almost here, people find themselves wanting to try something new. If you don’t already, find some time for yourself and pick up a hobby. In this article, we’ll give you advice on finding your own avenue. In the…

3 New Year’s resolutions for small businesses

New Year’s resolutions are for more than just individuals. Small businesses need to set themselves up for success, and one way to do this is by setting targets and goals ahead of 2024. As we bid farewell to the old…

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