Spotify are working on children’s accounts that are managed by a parent or guardian

Spotify are currently testing a new product. This product will allow children to be on the platform, and stream music freely. However, the accounts will be overseen by a parent or legal guardian for safety.

Spotify are currently testing a new version of their platform. This feature will allow children to listen to their favourite artists, without the risk of discovering music which could be damaging or contain violent and explicit content. The test is starting in just a few countries first.

The pilot is a Premium account for children. All accounts will be monitored by their parent or legal guardian so those in charge of their welfare know what their children are listening to. Currently, those in Denmark, New Zealand and Sweden can trial this product.

Anyone under the age of 13 will qualify for a child account. This age could vary depending on rules within the country of residence. Some may have higher ages than others, but for the most part, the child age is capped at 13.

Spotify have said, “Managed accounts enable them to better tailor the content that is available to young listeners.” By allowing parents to have control over what their children can listen to, it eliminates the fear that they are finding songs with a violent nature.

Parents will have in-app controls where they can manage the playback of Canvas, and check on content which has been labelled as explicit. They’ll be able to say whether their child can listen to certain songs or not, making the platform much safer.

It’s not yet been mentioned when we can expect to see this new account type reach the rest of the world. However, if the test goes to plan, and they receive positive feedback, we’d imagine it will be soon. So, music fans, watch this space! sign up for free GIF
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