27% of Germany’s 2023 Hot 50 tracks came from TikTok

TikTok has announced that 27% of the songs which reached the Hot 50 charts in Germany last year came from their platform. The video social platform are no strangers to being a place for future viral releases to find their audience.

27% of Germany's 2023 Hot 50 tracks came from TikTok. Photo of a girl listening to Viral 50 Germany through her headphones. On the left is a TikTok background.

TikTok released information that shows the top songs in Germany during 2023 largely came from their platform. For some time now, TikTok has been seen as a place for smaller music artists to be discovered. After all, videos seem to go viral more easily on the short-form site.

Once a track has been discovered through TikTok, videos using that sound are often created and the music meets new audiences. This is how an artist can continue to grow. Listeners will often then follow the music onto their preferred streaming store.

The more streams, the more chance a song has of placing within the charts. It seems 27% of songs that hit the Hot 50 chart in Germany came from TikTok originally. This is in 2023 alone. It’s likely during the space of 2024, lots more songs have reached the charts in the same way.

Germany’s Reeperbahn conference is well on its way. One of their official partners is TikTok and this partnership saw the release of new data. The study shared picked apart Germany’s top 100 singles within the 2023 charts, and compared it with TikTok’s Hot 50.

Out of the 100 songs that became chart worthy in 2023, 27 of them started out on TikTok. This alone proves that the social platform, that has regular controversy (especially in America), isn’t all bad. Of course, some of the songs that appeared in the charts would have done so.

Even without the use of TikTok, artists such as Harry Styles, Miley Cyrus and Raye would have made it to the top spots. But, there have been many German artists who have found themselves a spot within the charts thanks to the social platform.

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