Smart Links are a really useful tool within your marketing strategy. They have the power to boost your audience massively. The more places you share your links, the more people who will potentially see them. Using you can create Smart Links for free, so what’s stopping you?

What is a Smart Link?
A Smart Link is a digital housing system for all of your links. It keeps everything under one URL, making it easier to share your various links with people. Perhaps you’re an artist, and you have your music released on several stores, you could create a Smart Link and put all of your store URLs under one link. That way, your fans go to your Smart Link and there they find all the store choices. They can then follow their preferred store link and listen to your music.
Maybe you’re a brand, and you need to showcase your products, but you also want people to know where they can reach you. Create a Smart Link and put in your social media accounts, along with your website. Your clients can then navigate their way through your products while also seeing all of your marketing and advertisement work via your social media accounts. It’s a way of bringing every link into one place. Making things easier for you and your consumers.
How could it help you?
They make marketing your products, service or business a lot easier. You don’t need to juggle multiple links. Instead, you can put all of them in one place and people have easy access to all the information they need. Rather than you spending time sharing all of your links to different stores or websites, you can focus on promoting just one URL. Clients don’t have to waste time hunting for their preferred social media platform or store choice. They have access to all of that information through your Smart Link. Sometimes it can be off-putting when people have to search for a particular link within your business. Knowing they’re all in one place means you only ever have to advertise that one URL.
Instagram only allow one link per bio. If you’re wanting to share your other social media accounts, or various platforms, how do you do that? Easy, use a Smart Link and you are sticking to their rules. Just one URL is within your bio, except when opened, you’ll find many more links. They cut out a lot of the work that comes with advertising and make the job of promotion so much easier. In the long run it will save you a lot of time. You don’t have to market various platforms and stores. Instead, your consumers can find this information for themselves.
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