PUSH Connect – everything you need to know

PUSH has undergone some changes recently that will benefit all users. We’ve upgraded our platform to offer further connections between creators and their audiences. Connect is a combination of existing products and some new additions.

PUSH Connect - everything you need to know. PUSH changes on a laptop with a PUSH background.

Introducing Connect. A new feature of PUSH.fm. It combines our previous products; Smart Links, Pre-saves, Reward Links, Competitions and Pay Links with new features. These features have been designed or adapted to try and make connecting with fans much easier.

We wanted to ensure everyone had the same opportunities, which is why we have turned some Premium features into free options. Meaning, everyone can use tools that will help them grow and reach new listeners, consumers and viewers.

What’s changed with PUSH Connect?

All users will now have the chance to access an Audience page. This will provide you will all email addresses and details of people who have opted in to your email marketing. When creating a PUSH link, this option will appear at the bottom of your link.

Your customers, fans, listeners can click on this button to opt in, providing you have enabled this button. If they do so, they are giving permission for their name and email address to be shared with you. All of these emails collected will be placed under your new Audience page.

You can scroll through and collect these emails to then set up your own newsletter, or you can just use them to email fans and inform them ahead of a new launch. You will need to upgrade to Premium to download a file containing this data, however.

But, if you’re happy copying each email individually, then you can do this for free. Another huge change is Competitions. They are now a free product, allowing anyone to create an online contest for free. You can specify the actionable requests your audience must do.

Once they have completed this, they will be inputted into your contest and upon closing day, you can download all details of those who have entered and choose one at random. This allows you to build an audience, and they get rewarded for being part of it.

Why have we made changes to PUSH?

We like being completely transparent with our users, so there are no secrets. We have made these changes to benefit as many creators, small brands and independent musicians as we can. Basically, anyone who uses our services.

Previously, we have been asked about email collection. With many wanting to access the feature but not being in a place to pay monthly for it. So, we decided to make this option free. It means smaller creators have a chance to access the same tools as large creators.

We’re increasing our CRM reach. Before, our products haven’t always catered to that approach, but we understand how important it is for many brands and businesses. Being able to market and analyse your marketing efforts is really import for growth.

⬇ Updates breakdown

🖇 Smart Links – You can now turn on a Mailing list button at the bottom of your landing page. This will allow your fans to opt in and have their emails collected for you to use in your marketing. All emails must be verified before they can sign up to a mailing list.
💾 Pre-saves – Emails can also be collected when fans Pre-save a release. All data collected will be visible on the new Audience page.
🔓 Reward Links – Your audience can now sign up for mailing, as this feature has been added to the Reward Links button.
🏆 Competitions – This feature is now free. Emails will be collected and stored within the Audience page.
🤑 Pay Links – Emails were always collected for Pre-saves whenever someone makes a purchase. However, now, the data is accessible via the Audience page.

It’s important to note: The Audience page collects all emails and names of users that have interacted in certain ways mentioned above. It will also show when the data was collected and where this data was collected from, e.g. the Smart Link title.

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