YouTube introduce sleep timer feature for Premium users

YouTube has added a feature for Premium users which allows them to control playback options while they sleep. It ensures episodes don’t continue to play without activity.

YouTube is currently experimenting with a new sleep timer feature. It’s aimed at improving the user experience. Especially for those who find themselves unintentionally binge-watching late into the night. This feature, being tested with YouTube Premium subscribers, allows users to set a timer that automatically stops video playback after a specific period.

Available on both the mobile app and desktop, the timer offers a range of options from 10 to 60 minutes. Or there’s an option to stop playback at the end of the current video. This feature is designed to prevent users from waking up to find that YouTube has continued playing videos for hours. As this can disrupt their watch history and recommendations.

By introducing this sleep timer, YouTube aims to provide a more controlled viewing experience. Particularly during late-night sessions. During the test period, which runs until September 2, 2023, Premium users can access the sleep timer in the playback menu on the desktop version of YouTube.

On mobile, the feature is available but tucked away under “Additional settings,” at least for Android users. Currently, the test does not extend to TV apps, focusing solely on mobile and desktop platforms. While the sleep timer is currently limited to Premium subscribers, there is speculation that YouTube may roll out this feature more broadly in the future.

Potentially even making it available to free users. The company’s decision to test this feature highlights its ongoing efforts to enhance user control and experience, particularly for those who enjoy using YouTube as a background activity during downtime or before sleep. This experiment is another step in YouTube’s continuous innovation to cater to user needs. sign up for free GIF
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