How to get an Official Artist Channel (OAC) on YouTube

An OAC combines your topic channel with your normal YouTube channel. This allows you to have more control over the customisation of your page. Ensuring a better experience for your audience.

An Official Artist Channel (OAC) on YouTube, indicated by a music note icon next to your name, merges your topic and personal channels, making it easier for fans to find your content. This channel also offers more customisation options.

What is an Official Artist Channel?

An OAC combines your regular and topic channels into one unified presence, allowing for a streamlined experience for your audience and more customisation for your page. You have more control over your page, how it looks and what changes you want to make.

Also, your audience are more likely to subscribe because your channel looks official. They’re not finding your work across multiple channels. It’s all streamlined into one easy to reach place. Making it easier to be a listener on your YouTube channel.

Steps to get an Official Artist Channel

  1. Contact your label/distributor:
    • They must be part of YouTube’s Partner Program.
  2. Requirements:
    • At least one official music video on your artist channel.
    • One release distributed to a topic channel.
  3. Application process:
    • Your label/distributor will submit the request to YouTube. Be patient, as the process can take time due to high demand.

You won’t be able to apply for an official channel if you have music on a Various Artists topic channel. These are channels where your music is first placed when it reaches stores. You have to wait for your music to be transferred to your own topic channel. This can take 30 days or more. Usually, it is done within 30 days, but sometimes, delays occur. sign up for free GIF
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