Tag streaming royalties

Understanding music royalties – how to maximise your earnings

Understanding music royalties - how to maximise your earnings

Understanding royalties and how they work is really important for any music artist. The sooner you understand the world of music finances, the sooner you can ensure you’re collecting all your entitled earnings. As a music artist, understanding how to…

Spotify’s new policies aim to boost earnings for artists

Spotify's new policies aim to boost earnings for artists

Spotify has announced changes to its policy. These updates will help artists of all levels, which is pleasing to hear as many of our users are independent artists. Spotify, the big music streaming company, recently announced some changes to its…

US music publishing grew by nearly $1,000M in 2022

In 2022 alone, the US recorded music industry grew by $500M however, the music publishing industry almost doubled that. The US is in fact the world’s largest music market. 2022 saw a huge increase in music publishing. In fact, the…

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