Tag spotify news

Spotify’s new policies aim to boost earnings for artists

Spotify's new policies aim to boost earnings for artists

Spotify has announced changes to its policy. These updates will help artists of all levels, which is pleasing to hear as many of our users are independent artists. Spotify, the big music streaming company, recently announced some changes to its…

Learn a new skill through Spotify’s new UK video-based courses

Learn a new skill through Spotify's new UK video-based courses

Spotify are introducing training courses for UK users. These will be in the form of videos. The company have partnered with multiple well-known educational companies to pull this off. Spotify has announced they’re introducing video courses on their platform. These…

Spotify’s new addition – desktop miniplayer

Spotify's new addition - desktop miniplayer

A long awaited feature has finally been added. Spotify desktop miniplayer allows listeners to see what they’re listening to, and skip, without having to switch from their current screen. Great news for Spotify users! The popular music streaming service has…

Spotify music videos are now in beta

Spotify have just announced a new addition to their music platform. It will bring excitement to music artists who enjoy sharing their music in video form. Exciting news for music lovers and Spotify enthusiasts alike! Today, Spotify unveiled its latest…

Spotify’s future predictions feature for music app users

Spotify's future predictions feature for music app users

Spotify added a new little feature to keep their app exciting and fun. They introduced a fortune-teller feature, but they’ve been pretty quiet about it. So, Spotify are known for their fun quirks and additions to their app. They often…

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