Category Amazon Music

Hype Deck – a new Amazon Music for Artists promotional tool

Amazon Music for Artists have introduced a new promotional tool. Allowing music artists to stand out from their competition. Hype Deck could change the music game. Amazon Music for Artists is unveiling a powerful new tool tailored for musicians. Known…

Music artists – how to increase your online presence

Music artists - how to increase your online presence

So you’ve created a great track, put it online, now what? How do you get people listening? Well, you need to have an online presence. Keeping it real People crave authenticity! Show the world the real you because, let’s face…

The power of streaming stores for independent musicians

The power of streaming stores for independent musicians

Streaming stores are an important tool for any independent musician. They offer a stage for artists to connect with others and reach new audiences. In the modern world, it’s impossible to grow without streaming stores. In the digital age, the…

How do the Boxing Day sales benefit music artists?

How do the Boxing Day sales benefit music artists

With Christmas sadly over for another year, we all look for the next focus. This is where many go mad for the Boxing Day sales, securing those items Santa didn’t quite bring them. But, did you know these sales can…

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