Category Music making

Music production 101 – essential tools and techniques

Music production 101 - essential tools and techniques

Producing music is harder than many think. It’s much more than recording and pressing release. There’s a lot involves, including a lot of technical tools. Music production is the art of creating and arranging music using various tools and techniques.…

Google platform Gemini are adding a Spotify feature

Google platform Gemini are adding a Spotify feature

The Google owned platform Gemini previously added YouTube Music as an extension, and now they’re planning to add Spotify too. Gemini allows people to find music, and create playlists through an AI chatbot. Previously Gemini, a Google owned AI chatbot,…

Iconic album reviews – what makes them timeless?

Iconic album reviews - what makes them timeless

Some albums will never grow old. They’ll be passed through generations and will continue to be remembered. Why is this? Is it the artists, or the tracks? These are the questions we’ll visit. Some albums stand the test of time,…

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