Category In the loop

Industry news, launches and updates – everything to keep you in the loop.

Behind the scenes – how music distribution platforms work

Behind the scenes - how music distribution platforms work

Music artists can’t distribute their tracks globally without using a distributor. These are the people who get your music on the well known streaming platforms. But, how does the process work? In today’s digital age, the landscape of music distribution…

Understanding public liability insurance for freelancers

Public liability insurance is an important thing for any freelancer to be aware about. Without it, if something goes wrong, you could be held responsible. If you’re a freelancer, you’re probably used to wearing many hats – from doing the…

Splice reveals new mobile app which is powered by AI

Splice reveals new mobile app which is powered by AI

A brand-new mobile app from Splice. The app will allow you to create music easily while on the go. This is after securing $55 million from funding. Splice, a key player in DIY music creation, has made waves since its…

Spotify music videos are now in beta

Spotify have just announced a new addition to their music platform. It will bring excitement to music artists who enjoy sharing their music in video form. Exciting news for music lovers and Spotify enthusiasts alike! Today, Spotify unveiled its latest…

America’s TikTok ban – updates of 2024

America's TikTok ban - updates of 2024

For years now, the US government has been threatening to take away TikTok for good. This comes after arguments over how data and personal information was being stored and used. A recent bill aiming to ban TikTok has rapidly advanced…

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