Category Discussions

A source of dialogues discussing various topics, arguments and opinions in the worlds of marketing and content creation.

Copyright infringement – are the lines blurred?

Copyright infringement refers to an instance or multiple occasions where someone breaks a form of legal protection put in place to stop people copying, and stealing the content. It sounds straight forward, but like with anything, there are grey areas…

Pros and cons of businesses using ChatGPT

ChatGPT has a lot of benefits. It can answer the majority of questions you put to it. However, it doesn’t always give the information you’re looking for. There are areas it lacks, despite it overall being an excellent creation. ChatGPT…

How to use ChatGPT for your business

We’ve all seen the hugely popular AI ChatGPT take over the internet. In an ever changing digital world, businesses especially should get on board before they miss their opportunity. It could be exactly what you need. The world is moving…

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