Apple Music’s iOS 18 updates – new personalised music tab

Apple Music have had some big changes with the launch of iOS 18. They’ve introduced a New tab, it’s both new and called… New. Each user will find a collection of music based upon their listening habits.

Apple Music's iOS 18 updates - new personalised music tab. Photo of Apple Music iOS 18 updates.
Credit: Apple Music

Apple Music have made some big updates to their platform with the launch of iOS 18. One of the most obvious features being the removal of the Browse tab. It’s been replaced with the New tab. This will give listeners suggestions on what to stream next.

Every user will have a different New tab. It will show suggestions based upon their current listening habits. They’ll be shown what they’re most likely to listen to. It will display songs they currently enjoy, along with suggestions of new artists and tracks they might like.

These song choices will be based off their current taste and as your taste changes, so will the suggestions. If you find a new artist and start listening to it, you will be likely to see more of that artist suggested. Your New page will differ from your friends.

No two New pages will be the same. You and your friends will find you have different tastes, even if you like similar music or some of the same artists. That’s the beauty of it. Human editors are still involved in the process. Editors can decide song choices.

They’ll choose songs across all genres. While the system can select music based on habits, human editors are still involved in Apple Music’s process to ensure every listener gets the best experience. The system will then organise songs via an algorithm.

The new changes to Apple Music have made the process more personal to each user. Apple have come a long way from the days of iTunes and a library consisting of songs you’d purchased. It will be interesting to see what else they add to iOS 18. sign up for free GIF
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