Reset your Instagram recommendations – change your Feed and Explore page

Reset your Instagram recommendations - change your Feed and Explore page. GIF showing someone pressing a reset button.

Instagram are currently working on a way to reset content suggestions through the platform. The videos and photos suggested via the Explore page will automatically change based upon what you typically interact with.

This is all chosen by an algorithm. However, it can take several searches of a topic before Instagram register you’re interested. But, what if you aren’t interested? What if you were just looking into a topic, and now it’s taken over your feed?

You could be researching a future holiday destination but no longer what to see Reels and photos suggested once the trip is over, right? Well, Instagram are working on a way to allow users more control over this. They’re trying to allow a fresh start.

Screenshots showing the reset recommendation flow
Credit: Instagram

The feature will build on access users already have, but will allow more control over the curation of their account. If a user wants to start again and remove any recommendations, they’ll be able to do this. Instagram’s Transparency Center will share more information.

The Transparency Center should show information about how teens can be made safe online. Instagram has said they will share how they aim to protect younger users. Their aim is to provide an age-appropriate experience for all users.

Teens will also have the chance to reset their recommendations. This will mean they can clear their Feed and Explore page in just a few clicks, which is probably a really healthy option for young, vulnerable minds. They can remove anything damaging.

Over time, as you start looking into more content, your recommendations will start to form again. You should be able to choose to reset them at any time. Allowing you more control over your Instagram account. sign up for free GIF

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