YouTube are hiding videos that could potentially be damaging

YouTube are limiting the amount of videos teenagers can see that involve weight or appearance. This is in an aim to make the internet a safer place for younger users, and to remove some of the social pressures.

YouTube are hiding videos that could potentially be damaging. Half red, half white page with wavy line in the middle. YouTube logo in the centre.

It’s no secret that teens are potentially the most susceptible group online. They can often be found scrolling through social media platforms and this can be extremely dangerous. YouTube have finally decided to do something about this. They’re cracking down on the content youngsters are able to access. Mainly, anything regarding weight and appearance.

YouTube are stepping up and being responsible. They’re changing how the algorithm works and will restrict videos that show idealised appearances and content that involves a heavy focus on weight or certain lifestyles. While the videos themselves might not be created in a damaging light, they could contain information that could be used to the extremes.

Younger internet users will always be the most likely to get swept up by diet culture and fads. They could find themselves obsessing over their weight, or paying too much attention to videos showing damaging ways to achieving unrealistic results. Teens have no business watching videos about diets, or plastic surgery.

Idealised appearances will be banned

The more videos they watch of these idealised appearances, the more likely they are to be swept into that mindset. Many of them don’t realise these results are often achieved with the help of surgery or fillers. Before you know it, they’re obsessed with appearance. After all, they are unfortunately one of the easiest age groups to brainwash.

YouTube has acknowledged that these videos can be damaging and have promised to prevent younger users from falling into these harmful traps. They have updates in mind that will remove any adult themes from appearing on their suggestions. Safeguarding should always be at the forefront of any social media platforms minds.

These restrictions will apply to makeup videos too. If the content involves changing an appearance, for example, altering a nose shape, eye shape or fitness videos that are heavy on how to be slim, YouTube will ban teens from seeing this within their algorithm. This should help keep the platform safer. Helping teens get the best experience. sign up for free GIF
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