Tag threads

Instagram comments are being introduced to Threads

Instagram comments are being introduced to Threads

With Instagram and Facebook being quite the Meta team, is there enough room for Threads? Well, it looks like there has to be, as Threads is getting even closer. Threads users will start seeing Insta comments. Post by @alex193a View…

Threads new trending topics feature has been leaked

Threads are currently working on a new feature which will display topics most spoken about under a trending section. Allowing creatives to get involved and discuss. Threads is currently working on a new feature to enhance their app. They’re adding…

Is the Threads app worth it?

When Meta first introduced the Threads app, the internet went wild. Everyone began downloading it on release day. It was new and exciting, but, has the novelty worn off? Threads was introduced earlier this year. When it was first released,…

Threads app adds repost feature along with further updates

Adam Mosseri, Instagram CEO has said for a long time that user feedback is always considered. It seems he might be right with the new Threads platform adding a reposting option. What’s next though? Threads promised they’d update their app…

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