Tag small musicians

Unlocking the secrets – what makes a catchy tune?

Unlocking the secrets - what makes a catchy tune

Catchy tunes aren’t for every music artist. However, those who want to spread a positive vibe or bring some energy will often opt for catchy earworms. There are a few ways to make your next release a catchy one. Have…

8 tips to writing your first song

Embarking on your journey to write your first song? Exciting times lie ahead! Before you dive into the world of songwriting, here are a few friendly tips to help you along the way. 1. Find your inspirationEvery great song starts…

A simple guide to setting up a YouTube account

A simple guide to setting up a YouTube account

For those looking to share their talents, or interests with the world, YouTube is a great platform. It offers long and short-form videos and a range of tools to monitor engagement. Setting up a YouTube account opens the door to…

12 important rules for beginner musicians

Starting out can be tricky. Sometimes you find yourself wanting to quit before you’ve even got started because it can seem too difficult. However, stick with it and take the advice offered. Talk to other musicians and see how they…

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