Tag musician

What are exclusive samples within the music industry?

What are exclusive samples within the music industry

Exclusive samples are parts of a track. Small parts but important ones nonetheless. For example, a drum pattern, or guitar piece. Exclusive samples are like secret ingredients in a chef’s kitchen or rare gems in a treasure chest for musicians.…

8 tips to writing your first song

Embarking on your journey to write your first song? Exciting times lie ahead! Before you dive into the world of songwriting, here are a few friendly tips to help you along the way. 1. Find your inspirationEvery great song starts…

The ultimate gig equipment checklist

The ultimate gig equipment checklist

When you’re an independent musician, all the gig planning falls on you. To make the process slightly easier we have put together a checklist so you have one less thing to think about. If there’s anything you think we’ve missed,…

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