Tag music for streaming

Free music marketing tools to boost your career

Free music marketing tools to boost your career

Marketing your music doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. In fact, there are many services that offer free marketing for musicians. Marketing your music effectively can be a daunting task, especially if you’re working with a limited budget.…

The pressure on young music artists – what you need to know

The pressure on young music artists - what you need to know

Being a music artist of any age is difficult, but becoming a music artist when you’re young leaves you with trickier challenges than someone much older. Entering the music industry as a young artist can be incredibly exciting. However, along…

Music production 101 – essential tools and techniques

Music production 101 - essential tools and techniques

Producing music is harder than many think. It’s much more than recording and pressing release. There’s a lot involves, including a lot of technical tools. Music production is the art of creating and arranging music using various tools and techniques.…

UK royalty collectors, MCPS report strengths in 2023 report

UK royalty collectors, MCPS report strengths in 2023 report

MCPS collect royalties for composers, songwriters, artists and publishers. They’ve reported that in 2023 the total distributions grew, which leads to profits. MCPS, the UK society that collects royalties for publishers and songwriters, has reported strong results for 2023. The…

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