Tag music artist

How to get signed as a music artist – a simple guide

How to get signed as a music artist - a simple guide

Being signed isn’t for every artist. However, for those who are looking for that next step, it can be a challenge to know where to start looking. So, you’ve been honing your musical skills, writing songs, and dreaming of sharing…

3 gift ideas for beginner recording musicians

3 gift ideas for beginner recording musicians

If you’re struggling with what to buy this festive season, we’re here to help. For those who aren’t in the music world themselves, it can be tricky to know what’s good and what to avoid. So, have a look at…

Can anyone learn to sing?

Can anyone learn to sing

In theory, yes, anyone can learn to sing, but that isn’t to suggest you’ll go from tone-deaf to Beyoncé overnight. You’ll need to work on your vocals a lot before you can stand up on stage and start performing, but,…

Top tips for music artists preparing to go on tour

Going on tour big or small is exciting for any artist. However, with it comes a lot of stress and responsibility. We’ve put together some ideas on how you can prepare to ensure it runs smoothly. As a music artist,…

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