Tag independent musicians

Easy performance tips for musicians

Easy performance tips for musicians

Stage fright, vocal cords not warmed correctly, forgetting the lyrics. All of these things are common within the world of a musician. Combat any disruption by following our performance tips. Are you gearing up for your first musical performance? Whether…

Easy songwriting tips and techniques for beginners

Easy songwriting tips and techniques for beginners

Often singers want to write their own songs, or at least give it a go. But, it isn’t as easy as putting words onto a page or rhyming. Instead, you need to put thoughts, feelings and emotion into your lyrics.…

4 reasons a musician should never quit their passion

4 reasons a musician should never quit their passion

As a musician, you will have times when it seems harder to carry on than it is to give up. Things won’t always go to plan and your music won’t always take off. However, that’s never a reason to quit.…

Udio – a new music creation app

Udio - a new music creation app

A brand-new music creation app called Udio has hit the scene. This app will allow anyone to be a creator. Encouraging beginners and experienced musicians to have a go creating some sounds. Have you noticed how many music-making apps are…

Origins and evolution – tracing the birth of music festivals

Origins and evolution - tracing the birth of music festivals

Music festivals are a creative outlet that everyone can enjoy. They’ve developed over time, and now, there are music festivals for every genre imaginable. In today’s world, music festivals are an unforgettable experience. From the huge grounds of Coachella to…

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