Tag independent musicians

Debunking common myths about music artists

When you tell someone you’re a music artist, often they’ll presume you’re someone who sings as a hobby and that’s about it. But, in reality, music is more than that, it’s a lifestyle and for some artists, their whole world.…

8 tips to writing your first song

Embarking on your journey to write your first song? Exciting times lie ahead! Before you dive into the world of songwriting, here are a few friendly tips to help you along the way. 1. Find your inspirationEvery great song starts…

5 side hustle ideas for independent musicians

Being an independent musician brings its own challenges. One, being, finances. Here are some side hustles that could help you earn something extra each month. It’s hard to earn a substantial amount as a music artist, meaning often you’ll need…

Should independent artists promote their music on social media?

Recently, a new argument has come about whether independent musicians should be marketing their music online. Should they promote new releases across social platforms, or is this begging too much? There’s been quite the stir within the music world recently,…

The power of streaming stores for independent musicians

The power of streaming stores for independent musicians

Streaming stores are an important tool for any independent musician. They offer a stage for artists to connect with others and reach new audiences. In the modern world, it’s impossible to grow without streaming stores. In the digital age, the…

How do the Boxing Day sales benefit music artists?

How do the Boxing Day sales benefit music artists

With Christmas sadly over for another year, we all look for the next focus. This is where many go mad for the Boxing Day sales, securing those items Santa didn’t quite bring them. But, did you know these sales can…

Holiday traditions to try for musicians

The best way to spread festive cheer, is singing loud, for all to hear. Wise words were said by Buddy the elf. However, being a musician often brings stress around the holidays. From running to concerts where you’re required to…

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