Tag creative careers

Simple photo projects to build your portfolio

Simple photo projects to build your portfolio

Your portfolio speaks for you. It’s more important than your resume. Showing your old work rather than new content could be the reason you don’t get the job. Keep updating your portfolio to secure that gig. Building a strong photography…

How to find clients as a creative brand

How to find clients as a creative brand

As a small brand or business, it can be really hard going up against competition and finding your own audience. However, there are tried and tested ways to achieve this. You just need to give it your all. Finding clients…

Monetising your creative work – from passion to profit

Monetising your creative work - from passion to profit

Turning your creative passion into a profitable venture can be both fulfilling and financially rewarding. You will need to commit your time and efforts to it though if you want it to work. 1. Identify your market Understand who your…

Where to find creative jobs

Where to find creative jobs

Finding creative jobs is a little more difficult than finding a normal 9-5 because often they’re posted on different platforms or services. They’re shared to the type of audience that will best represent what the company is looking for. If…

What is a photo auditor and what do they do?

A photo auditor can tell a real from a fake. They can price works of art to ensure they’re going for their value, and they work closely with art galleries. Have you ever wondered who ensures that the images you…

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