Tag colour palette

The psychology of colour: how colours influence decisions

The psychology of colour how colours influence decisions

Colour is a powerful tool that can influence emotions, perceptions, and even decisions. Understanding the psychology of colour can help artists, marketers, and designers craft messages that resonate with their audience. The emotional impact of colours Colours evoke emotions, and…

Understanding colour profiles: RGB, CMYK, and more

Understanding colour profiles RGB, CMYK, and more

Colour profiles are something all content creators and brands should understand. Certain ones are best for certain image types. Colour profiles are essential when working with images, videos, or print projects because they define how colours are displayed or printed.…

Coolors – free colour palette generator for creators

Brands, businesses, independent creatives, all have one huge goal in common. Their branding. Without strong branding, how will we know who you are or what you stand for? Your colour choices run deeper than picking your favourite colour and using…

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