Tag blogging

How to find a blogging niche

How to find a blogging niche

If you want to start a blog, you’ll need to find an audience or niche before getting started. This will be your focus when you come to writing articles. You’ll consider your themes at every step, and your writing will…

10 blog ideas for beginner musicians

10 blog ideas for beginner musicians

Starting a blog is an exciting thing. Especially when you have something you love and want to share it with others within your niche. Finding enough ideas to keep your blog moving steadily can be a mission. After all, you…

How to research for new blog ideas

How to research for new blog ideas

Having a blog is an exciting adventure. However, it comes with its issues because content ideas will often run dry. You need to find ways to stay inspired. Blogging is an incredible platform for sharing ideas, connecting with audiences, and…

How often should you post on your blog?

How often should you post on your blog

If you’ve set up a blog, and you’re looking to retain readers, you’ll need to set a schedule. Otherwise, they’re left guessing how often you’re posting. Blogging has become a popular way for people to share their thoughts, expertise, and…

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