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Understanding Amazon Ads – a beginner’s guide

Understanding Amazon Ads - a beginner's guide

Amazon Ads can target your audience and help you reach a whole new market of people. From tailored adverts on product pages, to brand placement when shoppers are offline. In today’s digital world, advertising plays a crucial role in promoting…

A breakdown of TikTok’s personalised adverts

TikTok offers personalised ads. These adverts are placed from information TikTok has sourced from you. Your interests, location, and age will all play a factor in the types of ads you see. Brands purchase adverts on TikTok, so they can…

TikTok’s latest transparency report

In an aim to be completely open, TikTok have released their transparency report. Within it, you can see content and adverts that have been pulled down from the platform throughout the past 12 months. TikTok have released their transparency report,…

YouTube adverts are beating the entire global record business

Despite music companies Sony Music, Warner Music and Universal Music doing exceptionally well for themselves this year, YouTube has done ever better. Beating all other global record businesses and taking centre stage. New figures show just how well YouTube ads…

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