Category Deezer

Everything Deezer related.

Where did EDM (Electronic Dance Music) come from?

Where did EDM (Electronic Dance Music) come from

EDM stands for Electronic Dance Music. It is simply beats and melodies mixed together to create a great tune. It’s something that gets people to the dance floor. EDM really has evolved over time. Electronic Dance Music (EDM) has become…

Behind the scenes – how music distribution platforms work

Behind the scenes - how music distribution platforms work

Music artists can’t distribute their tracks globally without using a distributor. These are the people who get your music on the well known streaming platforms. But, how does the process work? In today’s digital age, the landscape of music distribution…

What exactly is pop music?

Popular music, or pop music for short, is exactly what it suggests – music that is popular. It’s the music we hear in the charts often. It has an upbeat, melody and a catchy tune. Pop music – it’s everywhere.…

Music artists – how to increase your online presence

Music artists - how to increase your online presence

So you’ve created a great track, put it online, now what? How do you get people listening? Well, you need to have an online presence. Keeping it real People crave authenticity! Show the world the real you because, let’s face…

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