Category Spotify

Everything Spotify related.

Predictions for the future of music

Predictions for the future of music

The music industry is constantly evolving, and several trends suggest exciting changes on the horizon. What do you expect to see happening over the next 5 years? Increased use of AI and technologyAI is already transforming music creation, distribution, and…

PUSH Connect – everything you need to know

PUSH Connect - everything you need to know

PUSH has undergone some changes recently that will benefit all users. We’ve upgraded our platform to offer further connections between creators and their audiences. Connect is a combination of existing products and some new additions. Introducing Connect. A new feature…

The importance of analytics in music marketing

The importance of analytics in music marketing

Analytics are crucial in music marketing because they provide valuable insights that help artists understand their audience and optimise their promotional strategies. 1. Understanding your audienceAnalytics offer detailed information about who is listening to your music. You can see demographics…

Spotify double their paid subscribers in just one year

Spotify double their paid subscribers in just one year

Spotify are continuing with their rapid growth. From 2023, until now, they have grown from 24 million monthly active users to 40 million. Not only that, but they’re now sitting on 10 million paid subscribers too. Spotify has announced they…

Understanding UPC and ISRC codes in music

Understanding UPC and ISRC codes in music

Both a UPC and an ISRC are unique codes belonging to releases or individual tracks. No song can be placed into distribution without them. Often distributors will provide you with them. In the music industry, tracking and managing releases is…

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