Category TikTok

What it means to be a creator

What it means to be a creator

Being a creator means different things to different people. For some, it’s everything. Whereas others, it’s just a bit of fun. That’s the best part, everyone has their own interpretation. Being a creator means using your imagination and skills to…

Where to find creative jobs

Where to find creative jobs

Finding creative jobs is a little more difficult than finding a normal 9-5 because often they’re posted on different platforms or services. They’re shared to the type of audience that will best represent what the company is looking for. If…

Why do people give up before going freelance?

Why do people give up before going freelance

When it comes to going freelance, people can allow the fear to takeover. It can be overwhelming to branch out and go solo. After all, with freelance, there are no guarantees, and you aren’t able to plan for the future…

Tips for planning memorable events – a simple guide

Tips for planning memorable events - a simple guide

Planning an event is hard work, but it is so rewarding once it all comes together. However, how do you begin to pull off something so huge? Planning an event can seem overwhelming, but with the right approach, you can…

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