Category Content creation

Advice, information, tools and resources to help you create your content.

Why Alt text is so important and how to use it

Alt text is a short description explaining the image or video in front of you. It allows the viewer to read what’s within the media if they cannot see the physical video or image. Alt text is displayed when the…

Should you watermark your images? Pros and cons

It’s 2023, many creatives have stopped adding watermarks to their work – but why? Watermarks act as a good way to protect your work against theft. However, it doesn’t stop everyone. There are ways to easily remove watermarks now, so…

ChatGPT can’t be credited as an author

Springer Nature are the world’s largest academic publisher. They have stated that information sourced from ChatGPT cannot be credited as an author. It can however be used for research. The world’s largest publisher Springer Nature have declared AI tools cannot…

Instagram’s 9:16 TikTok style feed – where did it go?

Remember that update Instagram put in place that no one was expecting? In 2022 Instagram made some changes that didn’t go down well with its users. In an aim to make a more immersive experience, Instagram changed their photo formatting.…

How to manage your comments on YouTube

One of the best ways for your audience to engage with you on YouTube is through your comment section. However, not all comments are pleasant ones. So, it’s important you understand how to filter and manage your comments. If a…

TikTok trends OR informative videos?

There seems to be a mix of content creators and the video content they push out. Across TikTok, you’ll find those who sit down and talk to the camera, providing information, tips and news. However, you’ll also find those who…

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